This webring is for those who keep journals of their dreams online. Do you dream at night, or whenever you sleep? Do you remember them? Do you write them down or blog them? Can we see?

To join this ring, please make note of these requirements first of all:

This is a ring for dreams that you have in an unconscious state, and nightmares are more than welcome too. This is NOT a ring for fantasies, hopes or wishes that you entertain on a conscious level.

The ring fragment must appear on the page that contains your dream content, not the front page of your site or domain. Your dream page can be a manually updated journal webpage or a weblog run on Blogger, Greymatter or any other blog script. It can be updated daily as you dream, or it can be a compilation of dreams from your past. You do not need to continually maintain a dream journal. If you have a page that is nothing more than the dreams you had in your last year of high school from 20 years ago, that is fine too. But it must be YOUR dreams. It cannot be a professional paper or thesis on the subject of dreaming.

If you keep a journal, other non-dream content is welcome. But if you are submitting your journal and dreaming is not a significant part of it, or if you do not make a deliberate attempt to document your dreams, you will not be admitted to the ring. If you are inhibited and do not consider dreaming a part of life that is discussed freely like what you had for dinner, then this is not a ring for you.

I do not censor any sorts of dreams. Sexual dreams are common and should not be discouraged from being written about. However, please censor yourself in the *manner* in which you discuss these, since this webring can be accessed by the general public. Think of the way Jerry Seinfeld handled "delicate" subjects on his show with his use of creative yet non-obscene language. Please do the same. Be the master of your dream domain.

Now for the picky stuff, and realize these are personal issue with me, but after all, it is my ring:

No broken images.

Proficient use of HTML or CSS. You don't have to be a design wizard, programming geek, or visual artist to join, but your page has to look decent and be easily navigable.

If you are not a designer, don't try to be one. I'd rather see a competent page with nothing but text (if it is layed out well) than a page that is clueless with its art layout just in an attempt to be "creative." Know your limits and strengths.

nO tYPiNg LIke tHiS.

No pages with pop-banner ads or commercial banner ads on the top (Tripod, Geocities, etc.). Adless free hosting and inexpensive web hosting are available. Please seek it out and use it.

Well-written content. You don't need to be a literature major, but competent spelling and command of the English language is required. Yes, this ring is in English. If you do not write your dreams in English, please feel free to start a similar ring for those in your native language.

I reserve the right to refuse any site into the ring for any reason. Most likely this will not be a problem if you comply with the requirements and the "picky stuff."

If after submitting your site you have not heard back from me for several weeks, assume you are not accepted. I will most likely not give a reason why you were not accepted, but do not despair, I do not anticipate a lot of rejections, and you are more than welcome to retry for submission in the future.

Now that you've read the rules, you can now fill out the form to join.

After you submit your application, you will be emailed your ring code. The ring code must be present on your dream page before I can admit you to the ring.

Screen Dream

Join Screen Dream (be sure you've read all the information to the left!)

See a list of the sites in the ring

Visit a random site on the ring

Things that will get you rejected from the ring:

No ring fragment in place when I visit your page.

Hidden, obscured or somehow invisible ring fragment.

No clear dream-related content.

Your site or page isn't found.

< ? Screen Dream # >

The ring fragment that you will need to put on your page looks like the one above. It is very non-obtrusive and does not involve any graphics. You are welcome to make one for yourself however, or you can use one of ours:









read my NEW dreams and blog

read my old dreams and blog

Problems? Questions? Email the DreamMaster.


Copyright 1996-2001 Ann Stretton. All Rights Reserved. No part of this web log may be copied or reproduced, however text may be quoted if a link is given in return. Permission is not given under any circumstances to use any of the graphics or art on this site, however If you ask first, I may grant permission at my discretion. Please check the link above to my Ann-S-Thesia site for web graphics if that is what you need.